Impacts Of Education System On Student.

In today world education system framework is creating various impact on any student mind.In today's world education system from work is creating various impacts on any individual student mind so basically in India the future generation which is the youth  is strongly influenced by our education system.
               Here in this text I have cover lot of various points which is regarded to the consequence of education system on every students of India. No doubt education system have very advantages on students however today's system is not as work as it should be.

                           1 Less curiosity


  Every human in the world have inborn curiosity. Generally kids are curious in every aspect. Curiosity is a  
pleasurefull kick that allow to understand different aspect of nature for any living being.
            In everyday life  we can see that before examinations there is syllabus in which particular concept hold particular weightage in exam. Because of that students prepare for exam according to weightage. Hence rather than understanding the beauty of learning in that process student just concentrate how to get a good marks by understanding the weightage  of marks.
             Sometimes teachers teach to the student in a very uninterested way. It is strongly affected to the curiosity of student
              The marks in exam are so glamorized by society so that student study for marks not for learning. When student got low marks it is a very disheartening state for student which decrease his curiosity for further learning.

                             2 Unhealthy competition.

       Educational platform made condition like student compete on the basis of marks not their abilities. This rat race is not an healthy competition but it's a competition which is full of depression, extra pride, and envy. Search on healthy competition effectively decrease the real angravative manner of learning

                          However itself competition is not a bad thing. Basic motivation of competition should not be fight with each other for cracking an exam. On the contrary student must co-operate with each other for further learning process.

                                Such type of competition have adverse consequence on Indian youth. In India every year where you students devast themselves by suicide attempt. General cause is getting insufficient marks for clearing and exams for any types of entrance. Nowadays in the society fantasy related to cracking the highly competitive examination is increase. Which create unstability as well as unemployment.

                 Further points will cover in next blog. Here national level survey regarding to our education system is now active so please kindly click the link and participate in this survey.
                                     Thank you.


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