The historical overview of our education system.
The current education system that we see today have a large historical background from the past decades. Here is a example,
(T. B. Macaulay)
This British man name Thomas Babington Macaulay was born in united kingdom in 25th October 1800, later on he had elected as a member in British parliament. After some passage of time he became member of governing supreme council of India. In 17th century, Britishers was planning to set up education system in India. For that purpose, Macaulay spent four years in India to survey the people and sanctioned the educational act. That acts states,
After exploring and understanding India he had given his famous speech in house of commons (London). Later on it became well known as 'Macaulay minutes'.
He had shared his experience that 'Indians are rich in terms of money and their moral values. So for ruling India, Britishers need to build a superiority complex on Indian mindsets so that they loose their self esteem over their culture'.
To deal with such work, Macaulay built a English language base education system which could take control over the Indian languages and let Indian to forget the value and cultures of their tradition.
Also student evaluation was totally depend on the mark system, either Pass or Fail.
This marks base system worked as reward system in student life. So student was only focusing on the topics which could pass them instead of learning the actual concepts/science behind the things. In this way they could killed the real interest and curiosity of students in education. That was the only intention of them behind Pass-Fail system.
This type of historical background of educational system killing the current education system too badly. This should have been changed after getting the independence. Now also this needs to be changed as per the modern system.
This type of historical background of educational system killing the current education system too badly. This should have been changed after getting the independence. Now also this needs to be changed as per the modern system.
Viewers are request to give some valuable comments so that we can change our mindset in today's education system.
P.S. - This is my personal opinion.
P.S. - This is my personal opinion.
Great illustrations of educational issues